1. How long have you been living in Lansboro?
I am not from Lanesboro - I am from Caledonia. I have been living in the rural area south of Caledonia for most of my life. The farm we live on now is only 2 miles from the farm I grew up on. My brother lives there now.
2. What's the main reason to make you decide to move or stay in Lansboro?
Family is a big part of why we have remained here. When I married my husband he had just graduated from U of MN Veterinary School and was looking for a large animal practice. We lived in two different parts of Minnesota before there was a job opening in the Vet practice here in Caledonia. We moved here because my husband got a job here and I was also able to get a teaching job here. We also wanted to start a family and felt it was a good move to be near extended family.
3. What's the most exciting story or fact you learn from Lanesboro?
People who have never been to southeast Minnesota or Caledonia, don't realize we are in a very scenic area with beautiful bluffs. This is the Driftless area and the topography, flora and fauna are different from other areas of Minnesota.
4. What do you want to tell your children or grandchildren nowadays when they are away from you? How do you communicate with them?
All of our children have moved back to this area after attending college. I have always talked about how our family ties here go back to the 1850's. Two of my brothers still farm on farms that were our ancestors from 1854 and 1860. I have studied a lot of family genealogy and try to share the family history I know so that they will know it too. One of the ways I have done that is to write genealogy books that include stories and photographs of our ancestors.
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Image Courtesy: Deb W.
“Having a child makes you think about others’ perspectives. You become more humble. Their ideas may not always be your ideas so you have to work things out and realize your way is not the only way to do things. Your life experiences are greatly increased through rearing a child. You do things with/for them that you probably would not do if you were not a parent.”
— Deb W., Auguest 2021